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Objectives and routes

T O U R I S T   S I G H T S     

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The nature-tourism relationship is considering valuing those items belonging to the natural - scientifically important, economic or cultural-educational - through knowledge and appropriate protection measures, through a judicious organization of their use, including through rest and recreation tourism. Some scenery or parts thereof (geological, geomorphological, flora, fauna) to be protected, were declared nature reserves or natural monuments.

Sightseeing objectives

Galzii Gorge, 20 ha, between Galda de Sus and Poiana Galzii

Bulzul Galzii or Bulzului Stone, 941 m, in village Poiana Galzii

Intregalde Gorge, massifs Plaiul 1174 m and Plesa Goat 1139 m

Cetii Stone, altitude 1233 m, near the village Raicani

Cetii Gorge 'Roman Baths', 75 hectares, near the village Cetea

Narcissus Glade altitude 950 m, near the village Raicani

Tourist routes

Galda de Jos - Benic - Galzii Gorge - Intregalde Gorge

Galda de Jos - Benic - Cetea - Cetii Gorge - Narcissus Glade

Galda de Jos - Cricau - Bucerdea - Ighiu - Iezer Lake Ighiel

Galda de Jos - Teius - Geoagiu de Sus - Ramet Monastery

Galda de Jos - Teius - Aiud - Aiudului Gorge - Rimetea

Galda de Jos - Ampoiului Valley - Scarisoara Glacier

Next it describes sightseeing objectives, declared nature reserves or natural monuments, and further, it details the main tourist routes in the Galda de Jos area.


Galzii Gorge


Galzii Gorge are a protected area of national interest (mixed-type nature reserve), situated on the territory of the commune Galda de Jos. Nature Reserve is located in the eastern part of Trascaului Mountains at an altitude between 350 and 700 m, on the Galzii Valley, between the villages Galda de Sus and Poiana Galzii.

It is a landscape represented by steep ridges, towers, ditches, niches, shelves or debris, which gives the place a special image. Is given a particularly picturesque appearance by the diversity of relief, which can be noticed by alternating between steep slopes, the tops in the form of pyramids or towers, along with other peaks and isolated rocks.


The most narrow trail of Galzii Gorge, retains today the redoubt built by the many native inhabitants of the villages of Galda de Jos commune who joined the revolutionary army and participated in the battles went here during the Revolution of 1848.


Gorge area covers 20 ha, of which the properly reservation is 8 ha, and buffer zone is 12 ha. Access is possible from the village Galda de Jos, on the road DJ 107 K, towards Benic, Galda de Sus. 

Galzii Gorge

The northwest limit starts on edge of the village Poiana Galzii, climb in the left side of the valley on the cliffs and follow the limit of steep (up to 500 m), then descends on the limestone stripped of all vegetation in the area downstream of gorge. The southern limit crosses the Galzii Valley river and climb up on the rocks of the right side, maintained at about 450 m.


To the west down in the area upstream of the gorge, and the gorge are limited north of Meri Valley. The buffer zone includes the surrounding forest, with widths of 100 ... 250 m. Tourists who want adventure have the opportunity to access other gorge are in the area, such as Intregalde Gorge,  Cetii Gorge or Goat Gorge.


In terms of vegetation, the area is covered in woods (oak, beech, birch, hazel, ash), and grasses are found here in the meadow and outcrop flora species including, bluegrass (Poa nemoralis) or goiter dove (Silene acaulis).

Galditei and Turcului Gorge


Galditei and Turcului Gorge are a complex area of 80 ha, with interesting and picturesque landscape of ridges, peaks and cliffs carved in limestone and consists of two subunits, Galditei Gorge, and Turcului Gorge. Reservation is located in the central-southern part of Trascaului Mountains (Bedeleului Peak), in Galzii Valley River basin, on his tributary, Galdita. The maximum altitude is 1000 m and minimum altitude of 640 m.


Galditei Gorge. Are bounded on the northwest edge of a small woods, descending into a valley limestone with origins in a small karst plateau, with a height of 800 m altitude.

To the west, the boundary follows the steep wall on the eastern edge of the plateau and down to the river bed Galdita, which will follow, down, approximately 200 m, to the mouth of Drogului Creek.


From this point the demarcation goes to right, on the steep climb to the top Coltul Galditei (762 m), hence is moving toward the northwest to reach the river bed Galdita, which will follow near Turcului Creek, in left of valley, on about 250 m.


The buffer zone extends lot to the southeast, following the river limit of two streams one of which is Drogului Valley, reaching in the southern, to the top of Drogului Peak (1177 m). The northwest limit pass on edge of a hardwood forest that descends into a dingle.

Galditei and Turcului Gorge

Turcului Gorge. The northern limit keeps in the right of Galdita creek, about 600 m along the limestone ridge almost to the origin of a small tributary of Turcului creek. Below are heading south on this tributary, until the river bed collector goes left to reach 762 m elevation, which meets Galditei Gorge limit. From here to the river bed Galdita, the two subunits of reservation are common limit.


To Galditei and Turcului Gorge go from the road DN 1 (E 81) Alba Iulia - Aiud, going on the road DJ 107 K through Galda de Jos - Galda de Sus - Modolesti to Intregalde, way in most modernized. Next, a municipal road runs along the Galdita creek on the Galditei Gorge on the western edge of the Turcului Gorge.

Intregalde Gorge


Intregalde Gorge Nature Reserve is situated in the central-eastern area of Trascaului Mountains, on the river course upper of Galzii Valley. Reservation area is 130 ha, maximum altitude is 1139 m, minimum altitude 500 m. The gorge are part of the gorge system that crosses the ridge limestone of massif Ciumerna-Bedeleu in western Trascaului Mountains and presents a very picturesque landscape with many slopes , sharp ridges and towers, which also preserves many rare plant species such as the edelweiss.

In the western part, the Reserve is bordered by steep portions and slopes that descend from Plaiu Peak at 1174 m to the north, and 1119 m elevation near the Plesa Peak to the south, until Galzii Valley parallel to the Sindrilesei brook coming from the south, overlapping exactly on the boundary between the Galda de Jos and Intregalde communes.


Eastern boundary consists of two valleys, with temporary water,  that descends from the two massif limestone, Plaiu and Plesa Goats. Northern and southern boundaries are, basically, Plaiu and Plesa Goat peaks.


The northeastern limit of gorge is edge of steep limestone which connecting Plaiu Peak (1174m) of Fulgeristea (1148m) and continue eastward based forested slopes that follow a valley with temporary water, descends to the Galzii Valley.

Intregalde Gorge

Southwestern boundary follows the ridge and the forest that connects tips Plesa Goat (1139 m), Muncelului Plesa (1138 m), Muncel (1171 m) and Pietrari (1166 m), partially overlapping with the boundary between the municipalities Intregalde and Galda de Jos, and southeast limit ridge is formed Pietrari which descends slowly until Galzii Valley. Buffer Zone is located in the west as a wide strip of 150...200 m going down of the two peaks farmand two ridges extend. The eastern part of the buffer area is covered almost entirely by forests belonging to Class 1 protection, forests that can not be exploited.


Reserve consists exclusively of massive limestone of Upper Jurassic age. To the west it predominates shales, sandstones and conglomerates, and to the east is interposed between a strip of limestone and shales ophiolites, sandstones and conglomerates. In the northeast and northwest ophiolites are flanked by limestone and conglomerates, sandstones, marls and marly limestones.


Relief is represented by two massifs limestone, Plaiu (1174 m) to the north and Goat Plesa (1139 m) to the south, the remains of an ancient plateau in which the Galzii Valley dug Galzii Gorge very picturesque. As a result of intense karstification, meets the full range of karst: nude steep slopes and peaks form of towers, chutes and caves, and numerous alluvial accumulations as of debris and blocks.


In the reservation area, circulation of groundwater flow prevails, except River Valley Galzii that crosses the  Intregaldelor Gorge and collect Sindrilesti Creek, Goat Creek and other smaller streams. In the south-east, the waters are collected Galdita Brook, Turcului Brook and Hoanca Paltinului.


In terms of vegetation, the moderate and low inclined slopes are covered with forests of beech (Fagus sylvatica) mixed with sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and in some areas appear pine (Pinus silvestris) and spruce (Picea abies). Nude slopes and sunny with boulders and gravel substrate, with northwestern exposure, southern and south-eastern rocky meadows are covered with predominantly composed of Rabbit Tail (Sesleria rigid) and a species of Feather Grass (Stipa pulcherrima). Local clusters of shrubs on the slopes appear: different species of mountain ash (Sorbus Dacica, Sorbus Aria, Sorbus Graeca), manna ash (Fraxinus ornus), fir warts (Juniperus sabina) and a species of wild rose (Rosa spinosissima). Peak Plaiu southern coasts, steep cliffs and barren, without forests, are covered with calcofile species, specific limestone rocks.


The southern Massif that culminates in Peak Plesa Goat is the most interesting part of the Gorges Intregalde because in northern slope vegetate edelweiss (Leonthopodium Alpinum variety Intregaldense). Intregalde Gorge are declared as national heritage monuments of nature, being recognized as botanical reservation, due to the presence of this flower which has its development at the lowest elevation in the country (500...800 m). This is possible due to specific climate of cold air currents that cross the entire aisle of gorge. Edelweiss, popularly known as the Flower Queen or Albumita, together with narcissus (Narcissus stellaris) are declared natural monuments.


Strictly protected area is the properly gorge of length 800 m, plus limestone ridges and slopes, extending in north to the Plaiu Peak (1174 m), and in south to the top of altitude 1190 m, located 600 m north of Goat Hill (1212 m). The ensemble is oval form, extending over a length of 2200 m and with an average width of 600 m (800 m in the south and 400 m in the north), which totals an area of ​​approximately 130 ha.

Cetii Gorge


Cetii Gorge zone covers an area of 75 hectares, in the west of the Trascaului Mountains, territory which can meet numerous rocky slopes, with forests, pastures and meadows. The route to these gorge from Galda de Jos to Cetea is a well known route, the most famous area being here Ramet Gorge.

The Cetii Gorge were carved into limestone in form of needles, towers or masses of debris and are surrounded by lush vegetation, consisting of beech forests, oak, birch or pine.


The cavitys in the rock, known as the Marmite, is a tourist attraction too little known. In longitudinal section, waterfall has a difference of 35 meters over a length of about 50 meters and comprises four waterfalls with heights between 3 and 10 meters.


The biggest is approachable only by climbing technique and equipment.


Cetii Gorge, within which are the 'Roman Baths' waterfalls, formed by interception by Cetii Valley of a limestone erosion formations that was fragmented into four 'stones'.

Cetii Gorge

Each of the four 'stones' were called by locals as 'Sanditau' on the left, and on the right are grouped 'Sasa Stone' with the top cut like a giant of stories and 'Ticuiata' which has the top a higher peak and, ultimately, the 'Mariuta' stone.

Popular name 'Roman Baths' was attributed by the locals and is a series of four waterfalls of different sizes, which have formed at the bottom, small lakes with flowing water. Near them were traces of dwellings from the Bronze Age.


The Gorge are to only 2.5 km from the village Cetea, access to them is quite easy for a traveler including inexperienced with mountain. To the gorge and waterfalls it goes on county road from Galda de Jos, and from the village Benic, go to right, to the Cetea village. To arrive at the 'Roman Baths', after exiting the village Cetea, go on the road besides Cetii Valley.


Another objective that can be visited in this area is Narcissus Glade, Nature Reserve. It is a very picturesque area that invites tourists to relax and spend time outdoors.

Waterfalls 'Roman Baths'

Rametului Gorge


On the way to meadows with narcissus or to the longest cave in Europe have the impression that the mountains they shall fall upon you and the world ends at the Monastery Ramet blue wall. Who wants a hiking holiday can not find a better place, whether it's passing Ramet gorge, a trip to the meadows full of narcissus or expedition Huda lui Papara cave - the longest, most uneven and the more difficult cave in Europe, where are the largest room, the highest gallery, most beautiful waterfall and the largest bat colony on the old continent.


Ramet Gorge Nature Reserve is a picturesque and very little altered by humans enrolled in limestone, which preserve a number of rare plants, including many monuments of nature. They are located in the central-eastern Trascaului Mountains, on the middle of the Geoagiului Valley, called Monastery Valley towards downstream and upstream Mogos Valley. Maximum altitude is 1189 m and minimum altitude of 530 m.

Reservation area is 150 ha. In the eastern and western Glacis reservation is bordered by steep slopes which surrounding limestone massifs Uzmezeu in north, Fundoi in south and descends steeply in Geoagiului Valley.


Northern boundary is formed by the selvage that separates the edge of steep limestone forest near 1135 m share and continue eastward and westward to the edge of steep, while the southern one is also a small limestone plateau edge rates of between 1158 m and 1166 m, dominated by the Stone tip of gorge (1189 m).


The buffer zone is represented by a wide strip of 200...300 m, which surrounds the strictly protected area and comprises mostly of bordering forest, included by specialists in Class 1 protection, and some areas of pastures and meadows.

Rametului Gorge

Reservation consists of massive limestones upper Jurassic age. In their western dominated conglomerates, sandstone, marl and marl Cretaceous, and Mesozoic basalts in east. As a result of intense karstification, meets a range of karst forms: steep slopes and nude, sharp peaks in the form of towers, ridges, sinkholes, caves, portals and many deluvio-colluvial accumulations of debris and blocks.


The climate is influenced by Atlantic air masses flow and relatively low altitude which is reserve. The average annual temperature varies between 6...8 °C, the average temperature in July between 16...18 °C, while that of January between -3...-4°C. Average annual amplitude reaches 18...20°C. Average annual rainfall is between 700..800 mm, reaching 1000 mm in the higher areas. In the reservation, prevails underground movement, except Geoagiului (Monastery) river that crosses Rametului Gorge, and that collects the streams Bradestilor and Pravului to the west, and Eagle river in southeast, and other smaller streams that flow temporarily.


Vegetation is in the area of mixed forests of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus petraea). In the content of gorge find their optimum development a wide range of floristic elements, achieving an interesting mixture of species with different ecological requirements. Thus, near the some alpine species Ranunculus oreophilus, Arabis alpina, Saxifraga paniculata meet a large number of relatively thermophilic elements of which are mentioned Silene bupleroides, Linum flavum and carpathians-balkan, such as Taraxacum hoppeanum.


The great scientific interest lies in Rametului Gorge for many rare or endemic species that are found here and whose phytogeographical significance is great. So, for example, endemic species Silene dubia, Aconitum moldavicum, Hepatica transsilvanica, and a number of rare species like the yew (Taxus baccata) crane's-bill (Geranium macrorrhizum) or lady's slipper (Cypripendium calceolus).

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