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Galda de Jos commune gave to culture over time valuable personalities, people who grew up and were formed in this region, people who citizenship of commune themselves pride, which puts them at the forefront.


Nicolae LASCU (1908-1988)


Philologist and historian, Nicolae Lascu (name at birth, Laslo) was born on 20 April 1908 in the village Benic, commune Galda de Jos, the sixth child, the youngest in family of blacksmith Amos Laslo and Saveta (born Francu). In 1938 resumes its old name Lascu worn before policy of denationalization of their Romanian family.

Start on the path to school education in his native village, followed by High School 'Mihai Viteazul' in Alba-Iulia, where, under the guidance of illustrious teachers, will his knock first soul fierce desire to know the roots of history, deeply buried the fertile soil of classical antiquity.


Follow the Faculty of Philology in Cluj (1931) and, through a scholarship, will follow postgraduate in Romanian School in Rome 'Accademia di Romania' in the years 1932 to 1934, obtaining his doctorate in 1936 with a thesis 'Riflessi d’arte figurate nella Metamorfosi di Ovidio'. Follow through a scholarship 'École Pratique des Hautes Études' in Paris in the years 1938-1939, and summer courses in England, classical philology, at Oxford and Cambridge.


His studies were crowned with a beautiful university career: assistant professor (1934-1943), lecturer (1943-1948), associate professor (1948-1950), professor (1950-1973) at the Department of Classical Philology, then the History ancient University of Cluj. In 1959 and 1960 acts as dean, and between 1962 and 1968 as pro-rector of the University of Cluj-Napoca.

Nicolae LASCU

His debut as a publicist in 1923 to 'Yearbook High School Mihai Viteazul' in Alba-Iulia, continuing collaborations at publications 'Society of tomorrow', 'Ausonia', 'Maia' (Florence), 'Classical Journal', 'Studies ovidianii' (Rome), 'Literary studies', 'Transylvania', 'New country', 'Circolo Letterario' (Sulmona, Italy), some publications was signed with pseudonyms N. Beniceanu and N.N. Romanu.


Become member of the 'Société des Études Latines' and some Italian cultural associations. Participate in classical philology congresses in different countries, especially in Italy in Sulmona, whose honorary citizen was. Get 'Romanian Academy Award' in 1948 and 1967. By Nicolae Lascu, Sulmona honored 'Latinitas - Latinity of Romanians'; Rosa Del Conte thanked for 'courageous friendship, worthy of a Transylvanian'.


Publish over 260 papers in various fields: Philology - ovidiene studies, life in antiquity, ancient translations from Latin (Histories of Tacitus, 1963; Sallustius's Operas, 1967, 14 of the 15 books of Ovidiu's Metamorphoses, in ancient meter, left in manuscript). Volumes published: Horatiu in Romanian literature, 1935; Literary sources of Ovidiu's Metamorphoses, 1938; Romanian Academy and translations of ancient classics, 1947; Collection of Latin texts, 1956; Course of history of the ancient world, 1957; Chrestomathy for old universal history, I-II, in al., 1960-1962; Ancient World History, 1961; How the Romans lived, 1965; Ovidiu. Man and poet, 1971; Latin Texts, 1973; Dimitrie Cantemir and Ovidiu, 1974; Ancient classics in Romania, 1974; About the Dacia Felix, 1975; Ovidiu, 1977; Travelers and explorers in Antiquity, 1986.


Professor Nicolae Lascu passed away in Cluj-Napoca, on 24 June 1988,  regretted by everyone university. The lady who was with him all his life, teacher Viorica Lascu offered a few annotations, expressing intimate thoughts, remaining family archive: 'We the satisfaction to having contributed to the progress of science, for which I dedicated all my strength work ... I am proud to have contributed to the affirmation of universal Romanian presence... I hope my experience will serve as a role model for young researchers from Alma Mater Napocensis'.


They are admirable thoughts of a scientist and the culture that marked for a long time, Cluj university life. From this activity emerges interest Nicolae Lascu ancient history, and chrestomathies, manuals and collections of Greek and Latin texts with a well defined role in the reintroduction of humanistic spirit in Romanian education.

Elisabeta POP (1923-1996)


Writer Elisabeta 'Vetuta' Pop was born in the village Cetea of Galda de Jos commune, Alba county, on October 20, 1923, daughter of Nechifor and Carolina Halalai. Spent his childhood in village Cetea of commune Galda de Jos and in Teius.

Follow gymnasium at Aiud, then Commercial High School in Blaj, where he graduated in 1944. She is a graduate of the Academy of Higher Commercial and Industrial Studies in Brasov, obtaining licence in 1948.


Summer of 1948 a party with her husband, hidden in Raicani, near Cetii Stone. Leave the country in the same year and settled in France in Vermona, a cozy little town on the banks of the Seine, 60 km from Paris. In 1951 he moved permanently to Canada in Montreal, the Ville de Laval, Quebec.


Makes outstanding activity in the Romanian organizations in Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton. He worked in exile media and published 'Poems from afar', 'Documents of collective memory', 'Memories among  Memories' and is author of volume 'Poems / Poèmes' which he published in several editions.


The poems are created from delicate nature, profound and constant thoughts and feelings of Vetuta Pop. Words of poems are clear that souls glow from night of historical and psychological time of breaking of own country.

Elisabeta POP

In the fall of 1981, in September, visited with family, Romania. A revised first places full of memories Cetea, Benic, Galda de Jos and Teius, and Daia Romana, birthplace of the husband. He died on 19 December 1996 in Canada.


Ovidiu HULEA (1892-1952)


Professor Ovidiu Hulea, writer and Catholic priest, was born on 22 July 1892 in Galda de Jos, in an old and respectable family of intellectuals patriots, is the grandson of Maxim Hulea, tribune and personal secretary of revolutionary prefect from 1848, Axente Sever. 

After graduation he was appointed professor at the School for Boys in Blaj. In 1922 he founded the first school in the Romanian language in Aiud - High School 'Titu Maiorescu' and was editor of the first Romanian newspapers in Aiud.


It was married with writer Livia Rebreanu Hulea, sister's Liviu Rebreanu, and had three children: Maria Livia (1920-2005) professor of music at the high school 'Avram Iancu' in Aiud, Monica Sabina (1921-1991) teacher of language and literature French, and Ovidiu Emil (1922-1987) who was a famous football coach in Aiud.


Being also Chairman of Astra society, trained and management of cultural life of the city of Aiud, as well in activities designed to raise the level of knowledge of local people surrounding villages, often holding the conference, Professor Ovidiu Hulea was in permanent contact with many people from different social classes. Among works of Ovidiu Hulea: Forest's damnation, Morning wreath, De profundis, and poem Resurrection.

Ovidiu Hulea and Livia Rebreanu-Hulea


He founded in Aiud 'Cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus', and he edited the journal 'Heart of Jesus', on which collaborated and his wife, Livia Rebreanu-Hulea, poems and articles are out of her soul dominated by faith and love God.

Ovidiu HULEA in family, 1931

(from left to right)


Colonel Schuster Mihail,
    husband of Florica Rebreanu

Monica Sabina,
    daughter Ovidiu HULEA

Florica Rebreanu-Schuster

Ovidiu HULEA

Ludovica Rebreanu,
  mother of Liviu Rebreanu and three
  its sisters Livia, Maria 'Miti' and

  Florica Ovidiu Emil,

  son of Ovidiu HULEA

Livia Rebreanu-HULEA,

  wife Colonel Procopie Strat,

  husband of Maria 'Miti' Rebreanu

Maria Livia,

   daughter of Ovidiu HULEA Maria
  'Miti' Rebreanu-Strat

Eugen HULEA (1899-1982)


Born on 18 September 1899 in Galda de Jos village, Professor Eugen Hulea comes from an ancient and respectable family of intellectuals patriots, among which stand out image in the history of his grandfather Maxim Hulea, tribune and personal secretary of revolutionary prefect of 1848, Axente Sever.


He graduated from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, following specializations at Cluj then to Paris. Between 1922-1925 worked as a professor at the newly created Romanian school 'Titu Maiorescu' Aiud under Direction brother, poet Ovidiu Hulea, then to the Real High School in Brasov, 1926-1932 and since 1932 has been director of the prestigious school 'Mihai Viteazu' from Alba-Iulia.


Along with teaching activity was also the editor of Dawn, the first Romanian language newspaper in the city of Alba-Iulia, president of Astra, Department Alba-Iulia. Collaborate with educational and historical articles to periodicals Alba-Iulia, Transylvania Gazette, Magazine of education, and Astra's newspaper, Transylvania.


Day of December 1, 1918 was the most uplifting moment in his life and he kept the entire memory of holiness, unaltered by leaking the years and decades. He has published numerous studies, articles and papers such as Astra - history, organization, activity, statutes, regulations, Studies and documents regarding the Revolution of 1848.

The accumulation of informative material, scientific concerns in general, resulting in 1944 in valuable book dedicated to "Astra" and his contribution to the achievement under the leadership of historian Silviu Dragomir second volume of documents 1848-1849 revolution Romanians in Transylvania, as many studies and articles published in the first two editions of the yearbook Apulum and magazine Transylvania in 1943-1944, bore fruit particularly rich in the last 15 years of his life.

Outstanding inextricably linked to this as a curator at the Union Museum in Alba Iulia in the years 1966-1974, these fruits have resulted in the series of 16 beautifully drawn and documented studies published in 1967-1982 range in the scientific bulletin of the institution, Apulum, in many scientific papers delivered at various sessions, working on various historical themes in the newspaper Unirea Alba Iulia, Cluj Tribune magazine, the publication of the Pastoral Guide Alba Iulia.


He contributed to the foundation in 1966-1968 Department of Modern and Contemporary History, called 'Union Section' of the museum Alba-Iulia, to enrich its heritage with thousands of pieces documenting and organizing basic exhibition, inaugurated in 1968. 

Nicolae Dragan (1934-2009)


Remarkable poet, philologist by vocation, Nicolae Dragan was born on 6 December 1943 in the village Benic, of Galda de Jos commune. Since adolescence was passionate poetry, other major existential dimension is archaic spirituality of village with nature piedmont, with life full of exuberance.


Expansive and cheerful child, at 12 years happens his father's death, and suddenly becomes lonely and introverted. Among village dramas, often incumbent in mind the regrets that the villagers react to the expulsion of the royal family, hunting, arresting or killing opponents of communism in the 50s, unhappiness of peasants forced to cede their land and join in the collective farm.

Follows Highschool in Alba-Iulia where, the child of a peasant, it is difficult to accommodate under the new realities of the city. The school has, however, the chance to have it on Stefan Munteanu, teacher of Roman literature, later famous universitary in Timisoara, but also to discover in box of Professor, Nicolae Lascu, man living in the same village, universitary of Cluj, interwar magazines romanian who published great romanian writers. Pleasure for great literature, now banned in Romanian schools, which use secret readings, do not remain without consequences, being discovered and punished severely.


As a student at the Faculty of Philology in Cluj is noted as a poet of talent only, exigently self, restrained and emotional, sparingly prints of his works in literary magazines of Cluj, and later read lyrics of Cluj radio broadcasts.


After graduation working in media, first at Deva, then at Alba-Iulia, and achieves literary circles and interesting pages of artistic creation, entering into conflict with censorship. It is fired from the newspaper Unirea Alba-Iulia, and it happens unavoidable painful, to ask the school inspectorate, each fall, some substitute teaching position, forced to make a difficult commute that will ruin his health.

Nicolae DRAGAN

In the 70s writes and publishes the first volume of poems, 'Hunter sparks', followed by a long period of silence for almost 30 years. Nicolae Dragan becomes a lonely, especially after his wife dies, write sporadically and not publish almost anything.


A luckiness has made to publish, in previous years, weekly, several poems in newspaper Unirea Alba-Iulia, which has restored confidence in his possibilities of artistic expression. It happens with poet of Alba-Iulia a real miracle. Continuously write  poems and printed in various literary newspaper in the country such as Star, Horizon, Life Romanian, Dacia literary, Discobolul.


Prints, in 2008, the second volume of poetry, 'Poems Sunday' in Publishing house 'Reunification', volume appeared around his birthday 65 years, and have in the works, other two volumes of poems, 'Noontime of the Words' and 'Whispering Poems'. He died on March 25, 2009 at Alba-Iulia, while granting autographs in a literary cafe, which was even dedicated his.

Between 5 to 7 November 2010 Galda de Jos commune has witnessed and hosted the first edition of the Festival of Poetry 'Nicolae Dragan' event organized by people with faith in culture here, a beautiful eulogy dedicated to the teacher and rural intellectual.


This first Festival was held with the unveiling of the memorial plaque near the entrance in School with classes I-VIII, the school that personate his name, from that year 2010, by Nicolae Dragan.


Beyond the artistic program prepared by school children in Galda de Jos, must be here mentioned two special present in the festival's register, recital musical of Mircea Vintila and fascinating conference 'About Love' by Dan Puric.

Image from Festival 'Nicolae Dragan', Galda de Jos

The entire artistic creation of the poet Nicolae Dragan is marked by modernity of his poetry, with those shades of traditionalism healthy, especially lately, today's poetry of Nicolae Dragan not once tending to become Prayer.

Traian POPA (1892-1969). Historian, journalist and teacher, Traian Popa was born on 25 March 1892 in Oiejdea. Among his most important works include 'A tumultuous chapter in the life of George Sincai - working after new documents' (1794-1796); 'Documents on the past ages of Romanians in old Seat of Mures'; 'Beginning of Romanian school in the old Seat of Mures'.

Born in the commune of Galda de Jos were still:

  • Teofil Francu, pressman, friend of Mihai Eminescu

  • Petru Chitulea, professor and writer

  • Ioan Neagoe, priest, Associate Astra in interwar period

  • Adrian Otoi, director of National Bank in interwar period

  • Ioan Aron, professor, Commander, Technical Academy Military Bucharest

  • Ioan Dragan, professor, rector of the Technical University Cluj-Napoca

  • Aurel Chirila, professor, Technical University Cluj-Napoca

  • Nicolae Burnete, professor, dean of the Faculty of Mechanics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

  • Viorica Lascu, lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca

  • Nicolae Lascu, professor, rector of the Institute Architecture Bucharest  

  • Gheorghe Lascu, professor at Faculty of Letters, University of Cluj-Napoca 

  • Ioan Lascu, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry Bordeaux 

  • Sorin Grozav, professor, Faculty Construction Machines, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

  • Ioan Teberean, professor, Faculty of Mechanics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca 


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