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P R E S E N T A T I O N    


In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the villages in the Galzii Valley experienced a great development due to the proximity of Alba-Iulia important fortress, in whose sphere of influence is. With the abolition of serfdom status of the peasant, population of  commune grows numeric, constructed numerous buildings and intensify agricultural activities and crafts.


In the last century large areas were planted with vines, especially in the villages on the slopes of ridges Benic, Cetea, and Galda de Sus. Along known vineyards in recent years on this beautiful Galzii Valley were planted fruit trees, the commune becoming one of the most important fruit centre of Alba county.


The main economic activities are agriculture (cultivation of fields, fruit trees and vines), fruit and vegetable processing, animal husbandry (livestock and meat processing), food, metal, wood, passenger transport, milling, bakery, carpentry and commerce.

Advantages for investors:


● location of the commune in the center of the county;

● easy access to road and rail communications networks;

● villages are electrified, telephone and TV networks exist;

● in the commune territory there are many nature reserves;

● natural and heritage tourism potential with attractive

● the upper of Galzii Valley not polluted;

● existing school camps, and vacation homes;

● favorable climatic conditions to agriculture,

   livestock traditions, agricultural societies model;

● relatively high level of skill in industrial areas,
   food industry is heavily represented;

● ethno-cultural diversity due to the multicultural character
   community, preserving traditions and ethnographic

● existence of government programs on
   development of education in rural areas;

● funding SAPARD, the possibility of accessing European
   funds, asset for investors.

Private activities and investments in Galda de Jos

The main private companies in the commune Galda de Jos:


- SC TRANSAVIA SA whose activity domain is increasing
   birds and poultry meat processing
- SC MECSOL SRL with the scope of providing services
   agricultural work

- SC CUTEAN COMPANY SRL which is a manufacturer of
   woodworking machinery; Motel 'Bleumarin', tourism

- SC ZOO AGRO GALDA SRL with the scope of Livestock

- SC Vasio SRL whose activity domain is bakery

- SC WELD ENGINEERING SRL with domain of activity
   production of metal buildings

- SC BOIAN TRANS COMPANY SRL object of passenger

Motel 'Bleumarin' in Galda de Jos

On the upper Galzii Valley, in the mountain village situated at the top Galda to Roica school camp, the upper limit of the village were built and are built holiday homes, the wide valley, picturesque situated along the road DJ 107 K. A deficiency in pending, the state of portions of roads and lack of electricity in some remote mountain areas that can compensate for the lack of private generators.


This mountain area, situated in the heart of natural reserves, has a particularly important tourism potential. Enhancement and tourist circuit of these nature reserves can be done by preparing planning and recovery projects. Also, the beauty and wilderness places is a powerful asset for investors willing to invest in the construction of cottages, houses and even hotels.

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